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The old jade bangle
The old jade bangle
Supplier Info
[China Supplier]
Contact Person : Mr. zhong hua
Tel : 86-579-85275767
Fax : 86-579-85275767
Product Detail
Old jade fortune in Qing Dynasty QD-LFC-07 1 era long 2 escape the 3 the role of cooling summer heat


Jade effect :

1 in the hot summer, cool feeling than other jade bracelet bracelet, bracelet can make people calm the mind, from the point of view of psychology, problems will not be easy.2 wrist is the physical end of the blood circulation, and the return of blood by the heart pressure to achieve, if wearing jade bracelet, can effectively promote blood circulation.

3 has the function of massage.Summer except has the cooling effect, but also can play the massage, regulate body functions, the emotional stability of function4Natural beauty.Jade bracelet color is quite rich, suitable for the various needs of people of colour, beautiful jade bracelet set off beautiful you, let you have the enchanting charm.

The old jade bangle

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